- Sun 28 May 2017
- Optimizing TensorFlow for your laptop
- Sat 06 June 2015
- Interview with a Data Scientist
- Sat 21 February 2015
- Kale: timeseries data mining at Etsy
- Sun 12 October 2014
- You sure don’t look like a scientist
- Mon 16 June 2014
- The unwisdom of the crowd: marketing, metrics & machine learning
- Wed 04 June 2014
- All your Bayes are belong to us! PyMC, PyStan and emcee in Snake Charmer
- Wed 04 June 2014
- Lyric clouds, genre maps and distinctive words
- Wed 04 June 2014
- Snake Charmer: the all-in-one data science toolbox for Python 3
- Tue 03 June 2014
- Lies, Damned Lies and Dataviz
- Mon 02 June 2014
- Introduction
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All content (cc) Andrew Clegg, under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License. Built on Pelican & Python. Theme based on svbhack by Giulio Fidente.